The most widely known 12-step program is Alcoholics Anonymous, a program that began in the 1930s to help those who were struggling with alcohol addiction. Over time, it gained popularity and gave way to other fellowships. Now, you can find a variety of 12-step programs, such as Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, and Overeaters Anonymous. These types of women’s addiction treatment programs frequently help individuals with addictions achieve long-term recovery. There are many misconceptions about what these programs are, but the reality is they can help anyone. At Soledad House, our residents can participate in 12-step programs as part of our holistic approach to recovery.
The principles of the 12 steps involve spirituality and community. Those who take part in 12-step programs join a community that can be found all around the world. Every individual who is part of this community acknowledges that recovery takes ongoing work and regular recommitment. You’ll find the same consistent support no matter what meeting you join.
Additionally, the 12 steps can help you develop the healthy coping skills and strategies you need after addiction treatment services to avoid relapse.
You may be asking why some people don’t stay sober when they go to these programs. Addiction is a very powerful disease that causes changes in the brain, and relying on willpower is typically not enough for those in recovery to stay sober. Some people only go to meetings but do not complete the steps, which is a common source of relapse. Lasting changes come from thoroughly working the steps for relapse prevention.
The first step is admitting there’s a problem, which can be difficult to do. Learn how to stage an addiction intervention for a loved one. Then, one of the best ways to get the most out of a 12-step program is to begin by going to a treatment center. Soledad House provides drug and alcohol treatment for women struggling with an addiction. Through our program, you’ll receive the individual care that you need to help you overcome your addiction. Many women who fall into a life of addiction have something in their past or present that fuels their addiction. Not to mention, Soledad also offers holistic approaches to addiction treatment and 12-step program alternatives in San Diego.
At our facility, you’ll begin to feel empowered with other women who are trying to recover from addiction as well. Not only will you go through group therapy, but you’ll also learn more about 12-step addiction programs and Soledad House’s alumni program to keep up with addiction support groups. Our facility is within walking distance of the beach, and we’ll teach you how to have fun again without drugs or alcohol. Don’t wait one more day. Give us a call today at 866.314.3222.
Soledad House
Certification Number: 370116CP
Expiration Date: August 31, 2025
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