Exercise Therapy Program

If you feel your life is spiraling out of control because of substance abuse, you need help. It’s always possible to regain control of your life and be the you that you want to be. If it’s time for you to consider addiction treatment therapies, a female-only environment is extremely beneficial. Along with psychotherapy and group counseling, exercise therapy is a great addition to the rehab experience.


Addiction Robs You of Your Self-Worth

When you’re caught in the cycle of addiction, your focus is solely on obtaining more drugs. Gradually, you’ll stop caring about your appearance. For example, you might look in the mirror one day and not recognize the woman staring back at you.

How did things get like this? This is an addiction at work.

The disease can take everything from you. Instead of feeling like the strong woman you used to identify with, you might feel anxious and unattractive.

Rest assured, these feelings aren’t permanent. There’s always the opportunity to overcome addiction.

Rehab heals you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Overall, you must work on all these areas of struggle in order to feel whole again.

Fortunately, exercise therapy can help you regain your physical and mental health.

How Exercise Therapy Helps

When we exercise, our bodies release chemicals called endorphins. They produce positive feelings, similar to the effects of morphine. Feeling a natural high is far more rewarding than a drug-induced stupor.

Additionally, in a rehab facility that provides exercise therapy, you’ll work out in a gym or go outside on a hike during outdoor activities. The main point is to get you moving.

Exercise is a stress-reliever. It boosts your mood and eases symptoms of depression. Plus, a regular fitness program helps you look and feel your best. As you become physically stronger, you’ll gain confidence and self-esteem.

Regardless of whether you actively work out or you were an athlete before drugs and alcohol took over your life, you can use the healthy habits you learn in fitness therapy long after you leave rehab. By choosing to exercise instead of use, you’ll experience a natural high that no drug can replace.

Be a Stronger You at Our Recovery Center in California

You can start your recovery with Soledad House, a women’s rehab facility in sunny San Diego, California. Our intensive outpatient program is a comfortable, safe place just minutes from the beach. In addition, we provide a structured environment. Here, you’ll interact with other women going through recovery as well. Likewise, you’ll make new connections during meal-time and group therapy sessions. Plus, there’s always the opportunity for fun with our recreational therapy programs and during our sober parties and trips to the beach. Above all, our licensed professionals want you to feel safe and supported. Our comprehensive treatment services include:
Whether it’s benzos, meth, or alcohol dependency you’re struggling with, it doesn’t have to be that way. Take control of your life once more. Become a happier, healthier, sober you by calling 866.314.3222 today.



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