Men and women have inherently different needs when it comes to recovery. In fact, they often begin down the road to addiction for different reasons. In a co-ed addiction treatment environment, it can be difficult for women to discuss issues like sexual or physical abuse. As a result, they’re less likely to be open and honest with members of the opposite sex. Fearing men will judge their past or their lifestyle choices, they lack an outlet to vocalize their concerns.
Additionally, a co-ed environment increases the potential for intimacy, particularly since men and women are more vulnerable during early recovery. When men and women go through addiction treatment therapies together, it can create distractions that can serve as a setback to recovery.
Take the first steps on the path to lasting sobriety. Call Soledad House today at 866.314.3222.
Soledad House
Certification Number: 370116CP
Expiration Date: August 31, 2025
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