Opiate abuse is a serious problem in the United States. Many people misuse opiates in order to ease pain or feel relaxed. Continuous drug abuse can cause anyone to develop an opiate dependence and then an addiction. Anybody who struggles with opiate addiction can get help through addiction treatment services at a women’s addiction treatment center, even if they’ve been living with it for years.
Continuous visits to the doctor and prescription fills are expensive. People with a prescription drug abuse problem will use a lot of their money on drugs. They may ask family members or friends for money. If they’re desperate enough, they may even steal to get the money to fuel their habit. The signs of opiate addiction are similar to the signs of opioid addiction. Learn more about the differences between opiates and opioids.
Opiate withdrawal isn’t deadly most of the time. However, it’s still painful. Many people who try to quit on their own go back to opiates just to ease those symptoms. That return can quickly result in an overdose, so it is important to understand the opiate overdose timeline and symptoms.
Don’t let your opiate abuse control your life. Reach out to people that can help you get sober and stay that way. Call Soledad House today at 866.314.3222 and talk with us about your personalized treatment options.
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Certification Number: 370116CP
Expiration Date: August 31, 2025
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