Meditation Therapy

Meditation is a spiritual and physical practice that dates all the way back to ancient India and China. While it has gained popularity as a form of relaxation and a way to reduce stress, it can also be a key part of addiction treatment. Explore the benefits of meditation therapy and how it, along with other addiction treatment therapies, can play a role in lasting sobriety.


Reduces Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety

Both depression and anxiety are serious concerns for women overcoming an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Sometimes, mental health issues are precursors to addiction. Other times, addiction causes the appearance of depression and anxiety, among other disorders. Fortunately, through prayer and meditation for addiction treatment and other forms of mindfulness-based stress reduction, the symptoms of common behavioral and mental health disorders can be overcame.

Increases Self-Esteem

Meditation can also be an excellent way to boost the self-esteem and confidence of women in rehab. Many clients struggle with low self-esteem following an addiction. If they struggle with recovery, they might feel inadequate. Even if recovery goes to plan, they might feel behind on their goals or their timeline for the future.

Having low self-esteem won’t help recovery. Clients deserve to feel confident as they move toward a sober and independent lifestyle. Engaging in the relaxation and self-reflection of meditation is an excellent way to do just that.

Encourages Social Interaction

In the context of addiction recovery, it is normal to look closely at the rehabilitation benefits of meditation therapy. However, meditation is also beneficial from a social perspective. Experts say that meditation can actually make a person engage in more prosocial behaviors.

People that are more social often feel more connected to others. This connectedness makes them feel less isolated in their journey with rehabilitation and recovery. It also encourages the creation of a support system that will help them stay sober for years to come.

Improves Sleep

Practicing meditation often results in better sleep. Of course, getting enough sleep is a serious challenge for those in rehab. However, sleep is virtually a panacea for recovery and health in general. So of course, anything that can naturally induce restful sleep, without side effects, is typically beneficial.

Meditation is a great way to wake up in the morning, but it can also be a great way to unwind in the evening. Free from tension and stress, the body is more likely to fall asleep and stay asleep without interruptions all night long.

Healthy Means of Stress Relief

A major factor leading to drug and alcohol addiction is the inability to deal with stress. Many individuals don’t have a way to release stress in a healthy way, so they turn to substance abuse. Without a new plan for stress relief, some clients will leave rehab and eventually relapse.

Meditation can be a form of stress relief for many clients. Those who participate in meditation therapy report that they feel calmer and less anxious after the fact.

Heightened Self Awareness

Part of addiction recovery is about increasing self-awareness. With greater awareness, clients can spot triggers in advance and cope with obstacles better. Meditation therapy and other forms of mindfulness can help clients heighten their self-awareness.

Meditation Therapy and More at Soledad House

At Soledad House, women can participate in meditation as well as several other forms of holistic treatment. The holistic and comprehensive approach to wellness includes all of the following:
Meditation therapy can be incredibly beneficial during recovery. At Soledad House in San Diego, California, women can participate in all types of holistic therapy. Call 866.314.3222 to learn more about taking the next step to lasting sobriety and health.



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