You struggle with chemical dependency. It’s fair to say that your life’s a bit of a mess right now. Then, someone says they can help you make sense of it and turn things around. What is life coaching, and why should you participate in it? A motivational and life coaching program San Diego, CA could help you.
Understanding the Importance of the Life Coach
The motivational and life coaching program San Diego CA counts on is part of rehab. It doesn’t take its place, however. Rather, it’s an add-on that helps you deal with the fallout of addiction. Besides that, it assists you with getting back on track.
What is Life Coaching Not?
Women’s addiction treatment programs help you get out from under a substance abuse problem. They can’t fix your life. That’s up to you. Similarly, life coaching isn’t a quick Band-Aid.
You won’t be able to participate and watch all your problems go away. There are still problems that substance abuse caused. You might have legal troubles and broken relationships. However, there’s now hope.
What is Life Coaching Like?
You meet with a friendly, positive specialist who offers support. Together, you identify the life situations that need solutions. Maybe you want to fix your marriage. Drug abuse might have harmed your parent-child relationship.
Some women need help with job-related issues. No matter what situations you identify, your life coach works with you. Frequently, it comes from a position of experience. She might have been there herself and can now mentor you.
There’s also some accountability that’s part of the relationship. Your life coach will ask how your addiction treatment therapies are going. It’s okay to be open and honest. You’re currently in the midst of reinventing yourself.
Part of a Bigger Rehab Picture
What is life coaching if not your opportunity for personal development? However, it has to become that as part of rehab. Life-coaching alone isn’t sufficient to end a chemical dependency. Instead, work with therapists who customize a care protocol for you.
Possible treatments include:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy that aims to fix dysfunction between thoughts, actions, and feelings
- Dual diagnosis treatment for women who struggle with underlying mental health problems
- Dialectical behavior therapy, which emphasizes your ability to control emotions
- Trauma treatment for PTSD survivors
- Group therapy program as a tool for receiving and giving peer feedback and encouragement
These therapies work together to help you understand what’s behind your substance abuse. The life coach will then work with you to undo some of the damage your life choices have caused. Sometimes, the loss is within yourself. Many women need help with forgiving themselves.
For them, they are the hardest on themselves. Even as others are willing to let things go, they can’t. That’s where life-coaching can make a significant difference.
If you struggle with drugs or alcohol today, don’t you owe it to yourself to get well? You don’t have to keep suffering in silence any longer. In contrast, you can find out how to heal, what is life coaching, and how to grow. Connect with therapists at Soledad House today by calling 866.314.3222.