Making the decision to get drug and alcohol treatment is complex because it means confronting your past, dealing with mistakes, and making decisions for your future. A faith-based rehab program is the right option for many people. At Soledad House, we offer a comprehensive Christian rehab program that’s designed to give you the tools you need to heal. Learn more about if this program is right for you and contact us today.

What Is a Christian Rehab Program?

Many people benefit from a faith-based rehab program because they have strong beliefs in God. You may not have been active in your faith for some time, or you may be looking for answers. A Christian rehab program helps to give you that type of support. Our goal in our program is to ensure you have the ability to heal your whole body, mind, and spirit through treatment for addiction.

Full-body healing allows you to overcome the biggest challenges of your life, including past trauma, mistakes, ongoing stressors, and the other concerns you have. Full-body healing aims to connect you with your spiritual side. It may help you to find purpose and to obtain the forgiveness you are seeking.

What Our Faith-Based Rehab Program Does Not Do

One of the most important concepts to understand about our Christian counseling program is that it is not meant to scold you or to tell you that you have a moral flaw for using drugs or alcohol. In fact, we focus on treating your addiction for what it is – a disease. You’ll find that you’re not condemned in our program but rather helped and supported as you battle the most complex disease of your lifetime.

More so, this is not just a disease but one that’s treatable. We believe you are not flawed, but that you’ve made mistakes. Those mistakes lead to your addiction. Now, with the right type of therapy and support, we can provide you with the tools you need to heal from your addiction. This is a valuable way of improving your health while also healing your spirit.

Can You Benefit from Our Christian Rehab Program?

There are many benefits to enrolling in a faith-based drug rehab program like this. At the heart of those benefits comes your ability to heal. Some of the benefits you can see include:

You may benefit from this type of program if you’re ready to change. You may also benefit if you are unsure how to move beyond your addiction without support from God.

How Can You Get Started with Our Team?

Our faith-based rehab program is as committed as you. You can choose to focus on a higher power that’s right for you or simply keep things a bit more spiritually focused instead. Our Christian rehab program is built on the same principles as you’ll find in our other addiction programs. You’ll have access to the same level of care and attention, including in programs such as:

Make the Decision to Get Help – Call Soledad House Today

Our Christian rehab program is one of the tools you have to start the healing process. For those who are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, a faith-based rehab program may be exactly what you need to turn the page on your addiction. Embrace recovery. Learn more about how we can help you at Soledad House. Call 866.314.3222 or contact us online.